Five Kids

Five Kids

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Are you crazy, too? Take this quiz to find out!

To celebrate the awesome day I have had, I've come up with a little quiz.  Take it to see if you too, like me, are slowly (or not so slowly) losing your mind.

1.  How many children does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
     a.  two
     b. three
     c.  who knows?
     d.  only one, but it takes exactly five to push their mother over the edge

2.  If a mom says something but nobody hears her, did she really say it at all?
    a.  yes, but only if she said it at least five times
    b.  no, the "if a tree falls in the woods" logic applies here, so if no one heard it, she didn't say it.
    c.  yes, but only if she did a song and dance to go with it
    d.  no.  It's her word against theirs and they always win the fights that mom if too tired to fight.

3.  How many conversations can a mother have at the same time before all she hears is "wah, wah, la, la, mmmmmm, la la"?
     a.  The limit is two.  Any more and they all fade into just noise.
     b.  It depends on her age.  It seems that the older she gets, the fewer threads she can follow at one time.
     c.  She should be able to listen to and respond intelligently to any number of conversations at one time, as needed by her children.  Obviously.
     d.  What was the question again?

4.  On average, for how many days can a mom own a new shirt before it becomes a child's napkin and forever sports a flashy stain right on the front?
     a.  two days max
     b.  one week
     c.  ten days
     d.  Eww, you let your children wipe their dirty hands/faces/whatevers on your new clothes?

5.   How cold does it have to get outside before a mother's home is officially turned into a jungle gym?
     a.  50 degrees
     b.  43 degrees
     c.  27 degrees
     d.  I would never let my children climb on the furniture or jump off of it.  Gasp.

6.  How many cheerios does a mother have to step on before she will feel compelled to finally pull out that broom and clean up already?
     a.  one
     b.  three
     c.  ten
     d.  I do not give my children cheerios.  Didn't you know that Cheerios contain Tripotassium Phosphate, an additive that is also used as a fertilizer?

7.  After how many glasses of spilled milk at dinner does a mother toss the popular adage and bawl her eyes out?
     a. two
     b. three
     c. Oh silly, spilled milk is never worth crying over.
     d. Just one--that adage was written by someone who has never had to clean up spilled milk after spending at least an hour in the kitchen dodging a crying baby, with a "helpful" preschooler stirring dinner, and three other children firing off homework questions in rapid-fire succession.  One glass of spilled milk once we all sit down for dinner (sans daddy, who is still at work of course) is all it takes to induce tears.   

8.  How many bowls of chocolate ice cream will this mom need to recover from today?
   a.  one
   b.  two
   c.  ice cream won't solve anything
   d.  Oh yes it will!  I'll take the whole carton, please!

I think by now those of you who belong on the crazy train with me probably know who you are.  Welcome aboard!  Here's to bedtime!


  1. I can relate to most of these--that is why dad needed to walk in the door by 5:30 p.m. or I went a bit bonkers!

  2. I was definitely there that day. Writing this kept me at least mildly sane, so that's good.

  3. I love 6 & 7. Very familiar sound of crunching Cheerios underfoot and those moments where just one more thing puts you over the edge. ugh.
