Five Kids

Five Kids

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

When There Are No Words

I have often thought that being a mom is like taking your heart out and watching it walk around.  I feel it especially poignantly every time I put a new little kindergartener on the bus and watch it drive away without me.  I ache sending something as fragile and precious as my own heart someplace that I can't take care of it, but it's an essential and unavoidable part of being a mother.  Our children need to learn independence and they can't do it if we keep them in little glass boxes, no matter how much we would like to try.

My heart aches and my tears fall for those mothers who have lost their hearts this past weekend in Sandy Hook.  My children were asked to draw some pictures for the funeral of Emilie Parker, who always enjoyed drawing pictures to help others feel better.  I wanted to share them here since, in a moment like this, words simply do not suffice and the innocence of a child can often make a difference where nothing else will.

by Plucky

by Bright

 by Mellow

by Energy

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